Monday, July 3, 2023

Eweka review

Usenet newsgroups can be difficult to get a grasp of if you’re a beginner, sometimes being even a bit complicated. One of the easiest solutions is to find one that provides everything you need, with an added bonus of a newsreader app, and simple payment options.

While Usenet is generally considered to be the part of the “old internet”, something that predates the Web 2.0 era, there are still plenty of newsgroups providers around, enough to make it a busy market.

Eweka has been on the market for a long time and has a good reputation. Being registered in 2000, Eweka is one of the oldest Usenet providers still around. It claims to have been the "number one Usenet provider in the Netherlands since 2001." Still, is it good enough to earn it a place in our best Usenet providers? Let's find out.

Eweka's experience shows, with sign up via a polished website providing access to a complete set of options in the members' area. 

Like many others, this provider is based in the Netherlands. It provides a newsreader, NewsLazer, which is almost identical to the NewsHosting Newsreader app.

Eweka Features

Eweka is a feature-packed Usenet provider (Image credit: Eweka)


Eweka promises secure, unlimited downloads. All plans provide unlimited access with 256-bit SSL connections. All plans have 50 connections and unlimited download speeds so any user should be able to fully max out their ISP bandwidth speed from Eweka’s Usenet archive dating back 5,432+ days. 

Features differ depending on the pricing plan, so be careful to pick the right package for your needs. One of the newer additions is that Eweka now has a VPN as well, which you get automatically if you choose the 15 months plan, otherwise, you’ll need to pay extra if you want it.

The NewsLazer app is recommended by Eweka, although you can use other newsreaders. This is simple enough to use and offers the ability to add backup Usenet providers. Note that the app will not work without NewsLazer credentials, however.

If you run into difficulty using the service, Eweka offers a 24/7 professional support. Agents fluent in Dutch, English, German, and French are available for assistance. There is also a detailed support section with an FAQ, a service status page, and contact details.


Do you want a Usenet service who only provides five or six years' worth of newsgroup data? Or one that reaches far into the past, providing binary uploads and text discussions dating back two decades?

Retention is the key factor for a complete Usenet experience, and Eweka provides a stated 5,432+ days retention. Additional storage is also regularly added to grow retention day by day so no articles are expired from their servers. Eweka’s current retention period is equivalent to over 14.8 years worth of activity. That means that you can view text conversations that took place back in 2008 and download binaries that were posted since that time. This is an incredible volume of data, making Eweka one of the largest archives of Usenet data available. 

Security and privacy

Usenet providers offer 256-bit SSL connections via newsreaders to their servers. Eweka follows this trend, which ensures data downloaded or uploaded is sent over an encrypted and trusted connection.

However, privacy options with this Usenet provider are limited. While you can sign up with just an email address and country location, there is no option to pay for the service using Bitcoin or another crypto currency. 

Happily, the Eweka Privacy Policy is clear when it comes to logging your activity. This states: "We do not monitor which newsgroups you post to or download from or what you put in news articles that you post."

Other logging is stored, however, such as access to your account, and metering based on the chosen package. The full privacy policy is worth reading so that you understand how your data is used. Full GDPR adherence policy is also listed.

New Speedtest Image

We used Ookla's Speedtest to measure Eweka's performance (Image credit: Ookla)


Speed is another key aspect of Usenet services; the faster, the better. Less time is spent downloading binaries, more time enjoying the unpacked media files.

Eweak was tested following a speed confirmation using Ookla’s Speedtest. This rated the connection (via a Dutch VPN) at 58.10Mbps. Two files were tested: one a 540MB audio collection uploaded the previous day; the other a 700-day old video file of 1.4GB.

Both binaries downloaded at around 5.2Mbps, peaking at 6Mbps. For clarity, that means the video file downloaded in just over 3 minutes. 

As such, Eweka provides an incredibly fast Usenet experience.

Eweka Pricing

With Eweka, you can either pre-pay for Usenet access or go with a monthly subscription (Image credit: Eweka)


Eweka offers subscription packages with one, 12, and 15-month deals. There is no contract, so you can cancel at any time. Payment is via credit card, PayPal, iDEAL, Mistercash, Giropay, and bank transfer. Netherlands residents can also buy a day's access via SMS.

The one-month subscription is priced at €9.50 a month (~$10.40), the 12-month at €9 (~$9.80), and the 15-month at €6.99 (~$7.60). All plans come with unlimited downloads, unlimited speed, 50 connections, SSL, full retention. The 12-month, and 15-month plan also come with free SSL encrypted download, and free newsreader with search. A free VPN is thrown into the mix too if you pick the 15-month plan.

Given the unlimited download speeds, retention and completion rates, Eweka offers one of the best value Usenet subscriptions around.

Final verdict

It’s hard to find a Usenet provider that has everything for everyone. It’s always a mix between low prices and low retention, or a great price but lackluster service, slow performance, or just the general feeling of not being worth your money.

As one might expect from its legacy, Eweka is one of the better services out there. Awesome download speeds, outstanding retention, and completion, with a strict privacy policy, and a nice addition of a status page where you can check if the service is offline. Unfortunately, there’s no Bitcoin payment, but you do get everything else required for reliable and speedy newsgroup access.

All things considered, Eweka is absolutely worth considering as your primary Usenet service.

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