Monday, February 7, 2022

Namecheap Logo Maker

Namecheap is known for its domain registration and web hosting services, but there’s more to the company’s offerings, like a free logo maker. Let’s check it out.

Namecheap Logo Maker Review Listing

Give Namecheap your business name and start the logo creation process (Image credit: Namecheap)

Getting started

Type in your business name, and click on the big red ‘Create free logo’ button to begin the process. The next step is font selection, and that one’s a little confusing: you need to select your preferred font out of three offered to you, and repeat the process six times. It’s not clear if you’re selecting six distinct fonts, or end up with a final selection based on your choices.

Pick a Color

Your input is limited to font, colour and icon selection (Image credit: Namecheap)

The answers to this remain a mystery as you carry on the process. You go through colour selection, add an optional slogan, and finally select up to three icons (don’t forget to make use of that section’s search field as there’s a vast number of them to choose from).

Automated Results

Based on your choices Namecheap comes up with over a hundred variations on a theme (Image credit: Namecheap)

Having acquired all the information it needed, Namecheap then creates a vast number of samples, represented by large thumbnails. When we tried the service ourselves, we got over one hundred variations on a theme, each with different colours, different fonts (so that’s why we had to choose so many), and one of the three icons we’d chosen (or none).

Clicking one your favourite (or any of them for that matter), leads you to the editing process.


You have few customisation options to help make your design more unique (Image credit: Namecheap)


Your options are pretty limited for the most part. For instance, aside from altering your business name, you’ve only got seven fonts to choose from, and you can’t even alter the text’s size. Ironically, you have more font options for the optional slogan, but again, size and style are not able to be changed.

When it comes to the icon, the three you’ve chosen previously are but a click away, but it’s also good to know that you’re able to search the entire library here as well, should you prefer to use another.

As for layout, that just determines where the icon, name and slogan are located in relation to each other. Again, this is done with a limited number of set combinations. You can’t move each item around the design.

Colour is where you get the most versatility. Not only are you offered a vast combination of colours based on your previous selection, but you can switch to a different colour swash. Bear in mind, that these offering are computer driven, and not all actually look good with your current design. Some are pretty garish actually.

Better still, choose ‘Custom Colour’, to manually control the look of each element: that way, the main font, slogan, icon and background can have any colour you could possibly imagine.


As you’d expect, you have to register in order to get your logo, but the process is almost painless and you don’t need to give Namecheap any payment information. The downloaded folder not only includes three different layouts based on your choices, but we were pleasantly surprised to see that a vector file was also included in the .svg format. This allows you to print or display your logo at any size and any resolution, with no pixelation or degradation.

Final verdict

Namecheap will obviously try and sell you some of its other services during the design process (like a domain name, or printed business cards for instance), but you can easily ignore it all and just get your free logo. The designs are clean and simple with just a hint of customisability, and is ideal if you’re on the lookout to get a quick nice looking logo.

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