Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Top Android O Name Predictions – Oreo, Oatmeal & more

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Google has made the first developer preview of the Android O available now and it is open for download to users with compatible devices. If you are planning to download and flash the preview, then you can check out our complete guide on How to install Android O developer preview for more details. Do make a note that it is not advisable to flash it on your primary device since it not stable yet. With that said, the release of this developer preview has now spiked one of the most debatable topics and that is regarding the name of this new version of Android.

As you may or may not know, Google follows an alphabetical routine and they name their OS after desserts and sweet dishes. There was a lot of speculation surrounding the name of Android N which turned out to be Nougat and same was the case a year before that and so on. Hence this is not something new but a yearly discussion. Talking about the new version of Android, it is called the Android ‘O’ where O will be given a name very soon. Now let’s see what could be the possible names for this year’s Android version –

Android 8.0 Oatmeal Cookie – There are a lot of possibilities, however, Android 8.0 Oatmeal Cookie seems to be amongst the top contenders, if not the only one. This baked delicacy comes in a variety of different variations like raisins, etc. but this is certainly the most favorite one. 

Android 8.0 Oliebol – One of the famous delicacies in Netherlands and Belgium, oliebollen are a type of dutch donut. It is fun name to utter and while you may not be familiar with this one but it is also a good contender of the name. 

Android 8.0 Ontbijtkoek – The name Ontbijtkoek is indeed a mouthful but it simply can’t be ignored from the list. It is an extremely popular breakfast item and is often served with butter and it has a both sweetness and a little spice to it. Although it would be weird pronouncing it but as mentioned earlier, we can’t simply ignore this as a possibility. 

Android 8.0 Orelletes – These are sweet Catalan pastries which are often enjoyed at a wedding or other similar joyful occasions. While it is a great dish with sugar icing on the top, it doesn’t fit well as an Android name. But hey, worth considering right? 

Android 8.0 Oreo– The first thing that comes to our mind when we think of a dessert starting with the letter O is one and only Oreo. Google can totally partner with the parent company here, just like they did with Nestle for KitKat and have some kind of a commercial tie-up. And hey, how many of you want to see a Droid Bug shaped Oreo cookie? Be on the lookout for this. 

With that said, be sure to let us know what do you think about this? Which one do you think is the perfect name for the next version of Android and why? Be sure to let us know your thoughts on this by commenting down below and also stay tuned to PhoneRadar for more info on this.

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